Catch-up on all the key events.


Once Upon a Time

Our search for a Leyland DAF T244 ends, we found one in Alberta Canada.
Our search for a Leyland DAF T244 ends, we found one in Alberta Canada.
15 August 2020


The Journey South

Having agreed the purchase, Eva is loaded on to a low loader ready for her trip south, across the US border.
Having agreed the purchase, Eva is loaded on to a low loader ready for her trip south, across the US border.
26 August 2020


Hello Eva!

After a 700-mile trip, Eva arrives in Kirkland. What have we gotten ourselves into!
After a 700-mile trip, Eva arrives in Kirkland. What have we gotten ourselves into!
9 September 2020


First Impressions

We take stock of what condition Eva is in.
We take stock of what condition Eva is in.
5 October 2020


Eva's First Halloween

The vast majority of our neighbours love Eva, especially when she got dressed up for Halloween
The vast majority of our neighbours love Eva, especially when she got dressed up for Halloween
31 October 2020


We Really Need To Replace the Fuel Lines

After breaking down on the way to drop off the flat bed and on the way back, we knew we had some maintenance to do.
After breaking down on the way to drop off the flat bed and on the way back, we knew we had some maintenance to do.
15 November 2020


Shedding Some Weight

Eva needed a major weight loss program, it started with the removal of the flat bed.
Eva needed a major weight loss program, it started with the removal of the flat bed.
5 December 2020


Eva Gets a Logo

After several iterations, we come up with a design for a logo.
After several iterations, we come up with a design for a logo.
26 February 2021


The Sandblasting Begins

Eva gets her undercarriage sandblasted, the first of three phases of getting the body done.
Eva gets her undercarriage sandblasted, the first of three phases of getting the body done.
25 March 2021


First American Upgrade

Eva's US military MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) wheels arrive from Stazworks.
Eva's US military MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) wheels arrive from Stazworks.
29 April 2021


The Engine Comes Out

Another major milestone, we remove the engine to make painting it easier over the winter.
Another major milestone, we remove the engine to make painting it easier over the winter.
21 October 2021


The Exhaust Manifold is Back

The ceramic coating by Bonehead Performance is amazing!
The ceramic coating by Bonehead Performance is amazing!
15 December 2021