eBay is our go to for finding random products from around the world. The only downside is the return policy, you can forget it if ordering internationally, for local items you normally have to pay the return shipping. So, we normally use eBay for items we know we need.

Wing Indicator Lights

Wing Indicator Lights
I spent months looking for suitable LED lights that I could use. The space is 3" x 1" which turns out to be quite a unique shape. After ordering and returning multiple options from Amazon I was unable to find anything suitable. I saw mention of Land Rover Defender lights… Read More

Boost Pin

Boost Pin
The Bosch VE Injector comes with a guide pin and diaphragm that restrict the fuel delivery until there is sufficient air to burn the fuel. Replacing the guide pin increases the fuel delivery for the same boost pressure, thus improve your engine performance. That adds around 30hp and 50 lb-ft… Read More

Dynamic Timing Advance Spacer

Dynamic Timing Advance Spacer
As the RPM of the engine increases there is less time for the fuel to burn. The dynamic timing advance in the injector compensates for this by injecting the fuel into the cylinder earlier in the cycle. This spacer provides more room for the dynamic timing advance to travel inside… Read More

3,200rpm Governor Spring

3,200rpm Governor Spring
The Bosch VE Injector allows the engine to be revved up to 2,500 rpm. By changing the spring in the injector, you are able to rev the engine to 3,200 rpm. What that means is you can stay in gear long, which is particularly helpful on a hill. This is… Read More

Bosch VE Fuel Injector

Bosch VE Fuel Injector
Our DAF was built in 1990, so it came with the Lucas CAV injector. Later versions of the DAF (so called Euro-1 and Euro-2) came with a Bosch VE Injector, which is significantly more superior. In the US, they only fitted the CAV to farm vehicles, with puts its abilities… Read More