We had a rude awakening to life as an owner of a 30-year-old truck. Our first drive in Eva was to drop off the flat bed off at its new owner. The first 15-miles went pretty smoothly, but as I pulled up to a traffic light the engine cut out. I had a feeling it was fuel related because I knew the engine didn’t require electricity to operate (only to start) and I had no warnings on the dashboard.
Fortunately, Hans the future owner of the flat bed offered to come over and help. He towed Eva out of the junction so we could try to get her started. Unfortunately, we weren’t very successful, so we decided to call a tow truck. That resulted in 3 hours of frustration, trying to organize a suitable truck through our insurance. The best they could do was a pickup the next day!
In my frustration I thought I’d give it another go and to my delight she started again! I gave Hans a call and he kindly agreed to follow me for the final 10-mile drive to his place, which went without a hitch.
Having successfully restarted the engine on the way to Hans, we thought we’d be able to get her safely home after the flat bed was removed. With our fingers crossed we took back roads for the first part of the drive, including a particularly steep road that got me a little worried. It was all looking good until I decide to take the shorter route and risk going on the freeway.
As I pulled off the freeway, 2-miles from home, the engine cut out again! Despite my valuate attempts, and plenty of patience, I decide to find a towing company directly. I gave Quality Towing in Kirkland a call and 30-mins later they arrived. After blocking off traffic, we quickly loaded Eva on the truck for the final leg home.
That night I started researching how to fix the fuel issues and vowed never to drive again until it was resolved. We didn’t plan for that repair to take a year, but we know next time we venture out, Eva will be in peak condition!